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Promotion of Colombian coffee in such important events as ITB Berlin, the world’s leading travel trade show, in Germany, and its incorporation into the menu of El Corte Inglés restaurants are some of the relevant actions in this market.

Bogota, March 8, 2019 (FNC Press Office) – The Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) and Café de Colombia work hand in hand on important alliances and participate in world-class events so that the country’s flagship product reaches new markets for the benefit of producers.

These actions aim at coffee scaling the value chain and producers receiving profitable prices for them and their families. In Colombia over 540,000 families are devoted to coffee production.

Juan Valdez, the icon that represents Colombian coffee growers and symbolizes the exceptional-quality coffee they produce, will participate this year in different national and international events.

This agenda is part of the FNC’s strategy to improve profitability of producers, especially in the current situation of low prices of standard coffee.

Between March 6 and 10, in alliance with ProColombia, Juan Valdez attended ITB Berlin, in Germany, an exceptional platform where the attendees were offered Colombian coffee, with the character as a special guest.

And in the autumn, as part of the “Marcando Estilo” alliance between the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce and El Corte Inglés of Spain, a pilot will serve Colombian coffee in 10 of the bistro-style restaurants of the Spanish multi-outlet giant.

This initiative includes demonstrations and coffee cupping so that diners can choose the origin and preparation of the drink, preferably microlots, in such a way that the public can know the traceability of the bean and the history of those who produce it.

Thanks to its exceptional quality, Café de Colombia reaches already various corners of the world, and through the joint work of the FNC and Café de Colombia, its promotion helps consolidate and open up high-value markets for the benefit of Colombian coffee growers.