FNC Code of Ethics and Good Governance
This Code includes all the basic principles and standards that each of the recipients of this document commits to respecting, obeying, living and embracing in the different instances and activities ...

Requirements for registration of roasters, millers and soluble coffee factories
Resolution 1 of 2002 whereby the requirements for registration of coffee roasters, millers and soluble coffee factories are modified and other provisions are issued for the purpose of ...

Regulations for registration of coffee exporters
Considering that article 25 of Law 9 of 1991, when establishing the regime of coffee exports, empowered INCOMEX (now the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism), or the institution ...

Quality standards for export green coffee
Considering that Colombia has always been characterized by providing the market with coffee that stands for good quality and that, therefore, preserving such quality over time ...

Measures to guarantee export coffee quality
Considering that Decree 749 of 1990 authorized the export of roasted and ground coffee; that in accordance with Article 23 of Law 9 of 1991, it corresponds to the National Coffee Growers Committee ...

National Coffee Fund Administration Contract
The parties find it necessary to register, in regulating their relations, the concept of the parafiscality institution provided for in the Political Constitution ...

Export coffee quality
ARTICLE 1. Roasted coffee shall only be exported when it features a cup that is characteristic of Colombian coffee and is free of strange flavors and odors.