We work committed to improving the living conditions of the Colombian coffee-growing families and to the development of the country's rural areas.

About us
In 1927, the Colombian coffee growers joined together to create an organization that would represent them nationally and internationally, work for their well-being and improve their quality of life.
In this way the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) was born, seen today as one of the largest rural NGOs in the world. Our FNC is a non-profit organization, and is not affiliated with any political party.
National Coffee Fund
The National Coffee Fund (FoNC) is a parafiscal account, fed mainly by the coffee contribution (tax) paid for each pound of coffee exported, which allows financing the public goods and services that benefit all Colombian coffee growers, such as the purchase guarantee, scientific and technological research, the technical assistance provided by the Extension Service, and the promotion and marketing activities that have contributed to positioning Café de Colombia as the best mild washed coffee in the world.

We are a private and federated entity; therefore, we have an administrative structure and a union one.
Where we are

We have departmental and municipal committees in all rural areas of the country where coffee is produced. Our headquarters is located in Bogotá DC, and we have representation offices in the United States, the Netherlands, Japan and China, key markets for Colombian coffee.
Our Recognitions
In the Federation we have managed to demonstrate management capacity, transparency and professionalism in everything we do, and this has been recognized nationally and internationally.

Our history
Since 1927, the Federation has played a leading role in the history of Colombia, not only for the importance of coffee in economic growth in most of the twentieth century, but also for its contribution to rural development in more than half of the municipalities of the country.
Our history

Creation of the National Federation of Coffee Growers - FNC
The FNC is created as a private, non-profit and trade union entity with the purpose of ensuring the welfare of coffee producers through a union, democratic and representative organization.

Technical assistance
We begin to offer the technical assistance service, promoting best practices among producers. Thus was born what was formalized in 1960 as the Extension Service - SE.

Logistic Management
The first general warehouses of coffee deposit in Medellín, Manizales and Girardot are formed.

Coffee Card
This means of union identification is born, so that coffee growers access various services and participate democratically to choose and be elected in the Coffee Elections.

National Coffee Research Center - Cenicafé
The world's largest Coffee Research Center, owned by Colombian coffee growers, is created with the purpose of developing appropriate technologies for coffee production.

The FoNC parafiscal account is created that draws on the coffee contribution, with the objective of strengthening the sector and stabilizing the income of coffee growers.

Purchase Guarantee
The mechanism that assures coffee growers the commercialization of their product at a transparent price, with the payment of cash and in places close to their production center is born. This public good is exercised through coffee cooperatives in more than 500 points throughout the country.

Juan Valdez
The advertising icon that represents Colombian coffee growers and promotes the quality of Colombian Coffee around the world is created.

Manuel Mejía Foundation - FMM
In order to train coffee producers, their families and rural communities, the Manuel Mejía Foundation - FMM is created.

Almacafé, logistics operator and general warehouse of coffee deposit, fundamental company in the chain of commercialization of Colombian coffee is created.

Buencafé Liofilizado
As one of the first steps to climb the value chain, Buencafé Liofilizado de Colombia is born, one of the largest and most sophisticated freeze-dried coffee processors in the world.

Parque del Café
Born with the objective of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of Colombian coffee and promoting cultural, recreational and ecological activities to boost tourism in the region.

On December 12 of this year, the first Juan Valdez® Café store opens its doors, in order to generate added value for Colombian coffee growers.

Signing Contract FoNC
As a sign of renewed confidence in the coffee sector, the National Government signs the FNC administration contract with the FNC for 10 years.

Coffee Export Boost
As a historical fact and in order to boost exports and adjust them to international regulations, the National Coffee Growers Committee changes the regulation and allows, from that date, to export different qualities of Colombian coffee.

New coffee variety CENICAFÉ 1
After 20 years of research, Cenicafé releases the new variety of Cenicafé 1 coffee with high productivity and small size, resistant to rust and coffee cherry disease (CBD).