676 veces visto

On April 13, as part of the Specialty Coffee Expo. In total, 684 coffee lots were registered, from 16 departments, at the close of the call on January 31.

Bogotá, February 22, 2019 (FNC Press Office) – The best coffee lots of the 4th National Quality Competition “Colombia, Land of Diversity” will be auctioned for the first time abroad, on April 13.

The live auction will be held within the framework of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Expo, the most important of its kind in the world, which will take place this year in Boston, Massachusetts, from April 11 to 14.

This first auction abroad of the best Colombian coffee lots seeks to take advantage of the important scene of the Specialty Coffee Expo to highlight the quality of Colombia’s coffee and conquer new customers from different continents that attend the event.

As part of its mission to ensure coffee growers’ well-being and its strategy to improve their profitability, the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) seeks to stimulate the production of a great diversity of specialty coffee and project it nationally and internationally.

684 coffee lots from 16 departments

For the fourth edition of this competition, which seeks to reward the effort, dedication and commitment to quality of the country’s coffee farmers, 684 coffee lots from 16 departments were registered.

The call for registration of lots closed on January 31, with a good response by producers committed to quality and who aim at seeing their efforts rewarded in the auction before a growing number of national and international bidders, for whom the competition has become a new benchmark in the global specialty coffee industry.

In February, a group of national cupping experts will evaluate all the registered lots and select those that will go on to the next stage, the evaluation by international judges, who will select the best coffees that will participate in the auction in Boston before international bidders.

Before the auction, at the end of March the best coffee lots registered in the Small Lots category will be recognized according to five attributes, with a distinction of 25 million pesos for each winner: acidity, body, mildness, balance and exotic.

And in the Large Lots category, there will also be a recognition of 25 million pesos to the best estate coffee.