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  • Higher volume, coinciding with harvest peak, contributed to this rise. Exports in the same month rose 14.3% compared to January 2018.

Bogotá, February 5, 2019 (FNC Press Office) – In January, Colombian coffee production grew 14.6%, with almost 1.3 million bags compared to 1.1 million in the same month of 2018. The higher production volume, coincident with the peak of main harvest, contributed to this important rise.

In the last 12 months (February 2018-January 2019), coffee production exceeded 13.7 million bags, 2.3% down from the over 14 million bags produced in the same previous period.

And so far this coffee year (October 2018-January 20 19), 4 million 965,000 bags were produced, 1.8% down from the 5 million 58,000 bags produced in the same period.

Coffee exports rise 14.3% in January

In line with production, coffee exports in January increased 14.3% compared to the same month of 2018, from one million 53,000 bags to one million 204,000 bags of 60 kg.

In the last 12 months (February 2018-January 2019), coffee exports exceeded 12.9 million bags, a figure similar to that recorded in the same previous period.

And so far this coffee year, exports were about 4.8 million bags, 4,8% up from 4.6 million bags in the same period.