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An Ethiopian delegation visited Colombia to learn firsthand about a number of aspects of the FNC’s work, as the African nation aims to improve coffee storage and implement a traceability system.

Through its logistics branch Almacafé, the FNC has accumulated wide experience in quality control since coffee is received in cooperatives and purchase points, as well as in storage and origin traceability.

One of the things that most impressed the visitors was the generosity with which the FNC opened its doors, including those of Almacafé’s quality laboratory, for them to learn more about the institutional work in coffee traceability in cooperatives, warehouses and ports.

“We chose Colombia because it is one of the major global players in the coffee industry and we are working on increasing our coffee value chain capacity. We are very grateful to the FNC,” said Anteneh Assefa, CEO of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange, at the end of the visit.

“Quality control is a critical concern for Colombia and also for us. Colombia makes great efforts to preserve coffee quality from producers themselves to final links of the chain. Much of its exported coffee is added-value,” he noted.

During a tour at the central lab of Almacafé, the visitors showed interest in sample coding, blind tests, and preparation of cups for cuppings.

The visitors were also surprised by the emphasis that Colombia, through the FNC, has put in supporting the coffee sector. “The FNC, with a clear strategy and a very integrated system, is able to manage all these quality, productivity and traceability topics, including all auxiliary services that the sector needs. There are many things to learn from your system,” he said.

“With falling coffee prices, how Colombia has survived through subsidies is also a good thing to learn,” he added.

The FNC’s efforts and initiatives to increase productivity, differentiated coffee supply and sustainability also drew the Ethiopian visitors’ attention. “Something that impressed me is the sound work on coffee farming sustainability to ensure a livelihood to producers and all those involved in the value chain,” Assefa said.

Finally, the visitor noted that there are not unique formulas to solve the sector problems and both Colombia and Ethiopia have learned to adapt to their own contexts. “At the end, coffee must be marketed in the way consumers need. Our country has its own marketing system that works, and Colombia has its own. What matters is the ability to improve coffee growers’ income in both countries,” he concluded.