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  • Exporters will now be able to export Excelso coffee with a tolerance of up to 5% of healthy almonds going through a 14/64″ screen and retained by a 12/64″ screen.

Bogotá, May 5, 2016 (FNC Press Office) – Quality standards for Excelso Colombian coffee were modified in the last meeting of the National Coffee Growers Committee in order to increase exports, but still complying with international standards.

Although the New York Green Coffee Association’s standards grade as ‘Excelso’ the Colombian coffee beans retained by a 14/64″ screen with a 5% tolerance, Colombia had traditionally self-imposed a tolerance of 1.5%, therefore preventing the export of a significant amount of high-quality beans.

According to Resolution 2 of April 25 adopted by the National Coffee Growers Committee, exporters will now be able to export Excelso coffee with a tolerance of up to 5% of healthy almonds going through a 14/64″ screen and retained by a 12/64″ screen. All the other quality standards on moisture, defective beans, CBB, odor, color and cup test still apply.

The measures enacted by the National Committee must be respected by both the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) and individual exporters.

Resolution 2 also modified labeling of Excelso exportable Colombian coffee. As long as it meets minimum standards to be graded as Excelso, it’s no longer necessary to describe bean size and amount of defective beans in the label, which will simply read “Excelso” “Café de Colombia”. The FNC will issue a quality certificate for this coffee. 

These new measures seek to maximize Colombian coffee growers’ income, in addition to those adopted in October 2015 for exporting green coffee other than Excelso, sold abroad simply as “Product of Colombia.”