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  • The Spanish Grupo Planeta, MAPFRE insurer and BBVA bank reward companies and individuals who, through their work, contribute to strengthening bonds between Colombia and Spain.

The 2011 Colombia-Spain Award, in the category “Best Company,” was given to the Juan Valdez brand and coffee shop chain.

The Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) CEO, Luis G. Muñoz, received the award from Victoria Bejarano, the MAPFRE CEO, at a ceremony attended by Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, and the Spanish Ambassador to Colombia, Nicolás Martín.

This award recognizes those individuals and institutions that, through their work, contribute to strengthening cultural and commercial bonds between both countries. The FNC and its iconic Juan Valdez brand have, according to the jury, meaningfully contributed in these fields.

“This is a recognition to over 500,000 families, our land, our mountains, and our people,” the FNC CEO said upon receiving the award.

At the event, held last October in Bogotá, awards were also bestowed to Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs, María Ángela Holguín, in the Public Figure category; to the experienced Yamid Amat in the Journalist category, and to singer and composer Carlos Vives in the Artist category.

This award confirms that coffee not only benefits the economy, but also brings nations together, highlights Colombia’s best aspects, and improves quality of life for thousands of coffee-growing families.