680 veces visto

The international auction will be held on Friday, May 14

  •  “We have here a wide range of cup profiles and participants that we have to be proud of. The most diverse coffee is Café de Colombia. Our differentiation is quality,” the FNC CEO, Roberto Vélez, said.
  • The best 26 lots in the competition, from nine departments, will go to the virtual auction. Check here the finalist lots that will do so.

Bogotá, April 15, 2021 (FNC Press Office) – Coffees from Antioquia, Cauca, Cundinamarca and Norte de Santander today were the big winners of the sixth version of the national quality competition “Colombia, Land of Diversity,” organized by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC).

“We have here a wide range of cup profiles and participants that we have to be proud of. The most diverse coffee is Café de Colombia. Our differentiation is quality,” the FNC CEO, Roberto Vélez, said as a preamble.

In a well-attended virtual live awards ceremony, animated by Professor Yarumo and with music that paid tribute to the great diversity of Colombian coffee, the names of the winners were announced.

Domingo Torres Angulo’s coffee, from Ragonvalia, Norte de Santander, won twice, taking first place in the attribute of softness and as the most exotic coffee. “So happy, here I am with my dear wife, children and some grandchildren,” Domingo said, doubly excited, accompanied by his entire family. “Thank you, thank you, I am speechless.”

As the coffee with best body was chosen Lizandro Petevi Finscue’s, from Páez, Cauca. “I am very, very happy, this is the best union in Páez. (…) This coffee is the result of a lot of work and effort,” the young Lizandro, 30, said excitedly, accompanied by his extension worker.

Neyibia Cuéllar Cuéllar’s coffee, from Fómeque, Cundinamarca, won in the acidity attribute. “Thank you very much, I’m proud to be a Colombian coffee-growing woman. (…) A hurrah for women; female neighbors help me here,” Neyibia said.

Antioquia had two winners: the coffee produced by Eidel de Jesús Machado, from the municipality of Urrao, in the balance attribute, and that of Leocadio Posada Correa, from Betulia, as best estate coffee (in the category of large lots).

The competition recognizes two categories, small coffee lots (including washed, semi-washed and naturals) and large coffee lots, and seeks to position Colombian coffee as a highly differentiated product and increase its demand on a national and international scale to demanding customers.

In the category of small lots, the five best coffees are awarded for acidity, body, softness, balance and exotic character, and each attribute receives a recognition of COP 25 million. In the large lot category, there is only one winner, the best estate coffee, with an award the same amount.

A holistic inter-institutional effort

Given the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the realization of this sixth edition of the competition required significant efforts.

A total of 1,110 lots were submitted, of which 1,019 went to the second round, where each received a quality bonus of up to COP 250,000, for a total of over COP 173.6 million.

“Today is a day to celebrate quality. The participating coffee growers are quality leaders and these competitions seek to promote quality of our coffee, in addition to showing the world our excellent coffees. This is teamwork with the Commercial Division, Almacafé and the cooperatives. Thank you all very much,” Juan Camilo Ramos, the FNC CCO, said.