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Thanks to great reception among coffee growers and general public

The FNC airs a new season of the radio soap opera given the preference of the radio among rural communities in the country, recreating daily and common moments with a clear educational message and easy language.

Bogotá, September 23, 2020 (FNC Press Office) – To continue reaching more coffee growers through all the tools that bring us closer, the second season of the radio soap opera “My farm, my home and treasure” is launched.

The purpose of this strategy is for all coffee growers to reinforce their knowledge on topics such as: associativity, generational integration, women’s coffee, occupational health and safety, child labor, the National Coffee Fund, covid -19 and the FNC elections, to be held in 2022.

With this radio format it is possible to recreate daily and common moments, with a clear educational message and easy language.

For this second season, the story again unfolds in a Colombian town with the Osorio Martínez family, made up of Carlos, Gloria, and their two children (Margarita María and Andrés); aunt Magola and her only spoiled heir Alex; Juaco, the coastal friend of all their life; Mario, the FNC extension worker; and Cumbia, the beautiful pet dog.

My farm, my home and treasure will accompany the country’s coffee-growing families for 30 episodes through the FNC radio programs, which reach all the coffee departments through different social media and the institution’s SoundClound and YouTube channels.