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Under the motto ‘Empowering through a passion for coffee’

FNC launches a line of coffee produced by women

  • “With this initiative, we promote women’s entrepreneurship and economic empowerment, allowing them to grow in their businesses and improve their families’ living conditions, as well as gender equity in the sector, and sustainability of coffee farming,” the FNC CEO, Roberto Vélez, said.
  • The new portfolio to be offered will market women’s coffee by regions and associations, promoting teamwork and quality from the different coffee departments.
Café de Mujeres

Bogotá, December 2, 2021 (FNC Press Office) – With a strong emphasis on gender equity and differentiation, the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) announced the launch of a line of coffee produced by women to be marketed abroad.

Aligned with the institution’s efforts to seek gender equity in the coffee sector, this initiative will contribute to empowering and making female coffee farmers visible, improving their income, and continuing to promote their access to global markets.

With the motto Empowering through a passion for coffee, this campaign will be carried out in a joint effort with the FNC offices in the USA, Europe, China and Japan.

“With this initiative, we promote women’s entrepreneurship and economic empowerment, allowing them to grow in their businesses and improve their families’ living conditions, as well as gender equity in the sector, and sustainability of coffee farming,” the FNC CEO, Roberto Vélez, said.

Female income improves sustainability

The new portfolio to be offered will market women’s coffee by regions and associations, promoting teamwork and quality from the different coffee departments.

According to the most recent data from the Coffee Information System (Sica), 31% of coffee producers in Colombia are women.

It has also been identified that in 80% to 90% of cases, the marketing of green coffee in local markets is male-dominated work.

In contrast, according to Colombia’s National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), rural women invest 90% of their income in household goods and education that improve their families’ well-being, figures that coincide with other international studies that confirm the key role of women in sustainability of households and their communities.

In addition to receiving differential premiums for their coffee, the women producers will have access to complementary well-being and training activities, recognizing their contribution to the care economy work.

This emphasis on gender equity adds to the exceptional attributes of Colombian coffee, whose quality and consistency (while diverse) have earned it an important renown in the most demanding international markets.