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  • It is a propitious space for coffee grower associations from all over the country to interact, deliberate and raise their concerns and needs, which in turn will allow to structure an FNC institutional program to provide continued support and strengthen the management and operation capacity of the associations in the territories.

Chinchiná, August 21, 2019 (FNC Press Office) – From this Wednesday and for three days, the First National Meeting of Coffee Grower Associations, organized by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC), will take place.

The meeting is a propitious space for coffee grower associations from all over the country to interact, deliberate and raise their concerns and needs, which in turn will allow to structure an FNC institutional program to provide continued support and strengthen the management and operation capacity of the associations in the territories.

The event will have the participation of 100 associations of coffee growers, from 18 coffee departments, whose leaders and assistant representatives embody the feeling of 9,560 coffee producers who are part of these organizations, which have been generating business opportunities in the coffee value chain for the benefit of their families, the community and their regions.

This initiative arises by mandate of the coffee growers themselves, who within the National Coffee Growers Congress (the union’s highest authority and instance of deliberation) have raised the need to strengthen producer associations through a permanent support program.

In the current FNC administration, these recommendations took the form of a guideline that begins to materialize and enrich itself with initiatives such as the first associative meeting. “With this meeting, we want to hear first-hand the needs of the associations, receive their proposals and understand how their own leaders understand them according to their challenges,” said Roberto Vélez Vallejo, the FNC CEO.

The agenda of the meeting will address issues such as challenges of the associative groups (according to an institutional diagnosis), value proposition of the FNC, innovation in the coffee value chain, assertive communication, management of communication tools, Almacafé logistics at the service of the producers, exchange of experiences of associative groups, and tools for the associations to market coffee.

There are also issues such as coffee exports (including small quantities), impact leadership, challenges of associative groups and technological harvest and post-harvest developments by the National Coffee Research Center (Cenicafé).