1. What is the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation?
Find all the information here: See more
2. What is the National Coffee Fund?
Find all the information here: See more
3. How is the domestic coffee price calculated?
Find all the information here: See More
4. What are the main defects that a coffee bean can have?
Find all the information here: See more
5. Where can I sell my coffee?
Find the purchase points of cooperatives nationwide on this map: See more
6. Who can export Colombian coffee?
The FNC, aiming at promoting the export of small quantities of coffee, has developed a simplified export procedure so that any natural or legal person, prior registration as a coffee exporter, can use this method, through the post companies and express couriers, which shall be registered in the FNC system for that purpose. Learn more here: See more
7. How do I register as a coffee exporter?
Find all the information here: See more
8. How do I register as a coffee roaster or miller?
Find all the information here: See more
9. What is required to register a soluble coffee factory?
Find all the information here: See more
10. Where can I find historical information on coffee production and exports in Colombia?
In the Publications/Coffee Statistics section you can find historical data on coffee production and exports in Colombia.
11. Where can I submit my resume?
In the Work with us section you can find the path to enter your resume in our database.
12. How do I contact the FNC?
By clicking here you will find a map with the FNC offices, as well as a Contact us form if you have additional questions.