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  • The lot, produced by Edgar Moreno on the farm “Los 3 Edgaritos”, captivated participants of international auction “Colombia, Land of Diversity (Mid-Harvest).”

Bogotá, October 20, 2017 (FNC Press Office) – In an exciting bid, a coffee lot from Cauca achieved today the highest price, $20.25 per pound, at the international auction held at Cafés de Colombia Expo.

The lot, produced by Edgar Moreno on the farm “Los 3 Edgaritos”, in the department of Cauca, captivated participants of the international auction “Colombia, Land of Diversity (Mid-Harvest).”

The auction was a platform for selling 24 lots from Nariño, Quindío, Cundinamarca and Cauca.

The winning lot is a combination of 60% Tabi variety, 30% Castillo and 10% Maragogipe. It has medium-high acidity, pronounced body and fruity and chocolaty notes. In words of Moreno, it’s a “retro” coffee because it seeks to recover traditional balance of Colombian coffee.

Amor Perfecto, a leading company in Colombia’s specialty coffee segment, bought several highest-quality lots, including one at $ 8.50 per pound from Nariño. 

Diversity of Colombian coffee regions offers a great variety of profiles. During the current “mitaca” (mid-harvest), the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) supported different departmental coffee quality contests to select and offer the country’s best coffees.

And to guarantee that those interested in participating in the auction could have a grasp of the different flavors, the best lots were exhibited at the cup tasting sessions of Cafés de Colombia Expo 2017 prior to the auction.

This dynamic has allowed showcasing best Colombian coffees to domestic and foreign buyers, and has helped transfer higher premiums to producers.