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Under the frame of the 116th Session of the International Coffee Council

  • Roberto Vélez, the FNC CEO, has been advocating for global strategies that increase profitability of producers and ensure the industry’s sustainability.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 9, 2016 (FNC Press Office) ( Representatives from African coffee grower organizations met with Roberto Vélez, CEO of the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC), to discuss mechanisms that increase profitability of producers and ensure the industry’s sustainability. 

The meeting took place within the frame of the 116th Session of the International Coffee Council in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Vélez met with Fred Kawuma (of the Inter-African Coffee Organization), Henry Ngabirano (of the Uganda Coffee Authority), Samuel Kamau (of the African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA)), Ishak K. Lukenge (of AFCA Uganda), Abdullah Bagersh (of AFCA Ethiopia), and Jean Mutabazi, of Arfic Burundi.

The African organizations expressed their support to Vélez’s attempt to initiate a global dialogue among all actors of the coffee chain and find ways to increase and stabilize income of coffee growers.

“To ensure the industry’s profitability and sustainability, there must be collective action and an open dialogue between all actors of the coffee chain (from the smallest coffee grower to the largest trader or roaster). This will allow future generations to continue enjoying high-quality coffee,” noted Mr. Vélez.

The FNC’s CEO also met with the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mauro Vierira. Shortly after, they announced that Vélez will travel to Brazil and meet with government representatives, producer organizations, and industry leaders to discuss the current challenges faced by coffee growers and initiatives to overcome them.

Earlier this week, at the 4th World Coffee Conference, Vélez advocated for a global dialogue between producers and the industry to find mechanisms that improve and stabilize coffee prices.