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The Coffee Information System, or SICA, is one of the most valued assets of Colombian coffee growers.

It is unique in the country and allows the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) and farmers themselves to do queries and analyses with up-to-date information. It also contains the description of 1.800.000 lots, and socioeconomic data about producers.

This geo-referenced database (which was created to provide relevant and accurate information on coffee-growing families, their farms’ features and coffee plantations) is the most robust in the country, used by the FNC to design and implement programs that benefit about half million coffee-growing families.

The first coffee census was conducted by the FNC in 1932 and was the original input of what SICA is today. Since then, it was regularly updated and now has become coffee growers´ most important planning tool. It is a unique database at national and international level in agricultural terms.

Recently, in order to assist growers affected by heavy rains, the SICA was the tool used by Colombia´s Government to identify potential beneficiaries and, along with the FNC, to coordinate necessary support to crops affected by coffee rust.

In this case, the SICA enabled to find 202,649 coffee growers affected by heavy rains, owning 173.000 hectares vulnerable to rust. They have been given fungicides and fertilizers to restore the production potential of these coffee crops.

Part of the success of this tool, which has contributed to strengthening Colombian coffee farming, is permanent update with real-time information, an activity that the FNC extension service does with over 1,500 technicians.