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  • The union leader also emphasized the importance of having an institution such as the FNC, which will not leave the producers alone.

  • This important event, which every year brings together the entire coffee value chain, from seed to cup, will take place from October 17 to 20 in Corferias.

  • In addition to a large commercial show, which includes the great diversity of Colombian specialty coffees, the exciting championships and the interesting academic agenda complement the expo’s offer.

  • Cafés de Colombia Expo has established itself as a space open to all public around the national drink.

Bogotá, October 17, 2019 (FNC Press Office) – At a time when low international prices threaten the sustainability of coffee production in various countries, Colombia has how to defend itself, the quality of coffee, said the CEO of the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC), Roberto Vélez.

This value proposition in defense of the 540,000 Colombian coffee-growing families arose at the opening of the 2019 edition of Cafés de Colombia Expo, the most important specialty coffee expo in Latin America and the Caribbean, in Corferias.

The union leader referred to the predictions of the prestigious expert in sustainable development Professor Jeffrey Sachs, who warned that many non-profitable coffee growers will tend to disappear.

Vélez recalled what he has raised before in various stages: It is with quality, to which Colombian coffee has long been committed, that it can defend itself in the global market against competitors that are withering. “Colombia has how to defend itself, one soul, the quality of coffee; that is the key to Colombia’s future,” he said.

“We have to continue working so that Colombia is what it has been during all these years, the beacon of high-quality coffee in the world, competitors are withering … at those price levels high-quality coffees begin to stumble, but as long as Colombia has an institutional framework, the FNC will not let coffee growers out of the world of coffee. They will not take us out and we’ll take over the world of high-quality coffee because it belongs to us,” he added.

The CEO also invited attendees to increase Colombia’s domestic coffee consumption, since the conditions are in place for everyone to be experts in the beverage. “It is necessary to drink good quality coffee, there is no explanation why a Colombian is not a master in coffee qualities, we have everything, but above all the sweat of coffee-growing families, there we can not fail,” he said.

The 2019 edition of Cafés de Colombia Expo, the most important specialty coffee expo in Latin America and the Caribbean, opened its doors to the public today. This important event, which every year brings together the entire coffee value chain, from seed to cup, will take place until Sunday, October 20 at the International Business and Exhibition Center of Bogotá (Corferias).

In addition to the main representatives of the industry, including producers, coffee institutions, manufacturers and distributors of machinery and supplies, coffee shop chains, baristas, tasters, exporters and marketers, Cafés de Colombia Expo has established itself as a space open to all public around the national drink. In addition to the great commercial exhibition and the great diversity of coffees that the country produces, with over 100 exhibitors in 6,000 m2, there will be a large academic agenda that will allow visitors to learn about relevant aspects, innovations or latest trends in the sector.

As a established tradition and also one of the most exciting aspects of the expo, the XIV Colombian Barista Championship, the IX Colombian Cup Tasters Championship and the Second Coffee X2 Championship will take place, events that bring together all audiences and confirm the great skills, passion and interest in a product that makes us world famous. As one of the main novelties of this edition, the first Colombian Roaster Championship will be held, a process that plays an indispensable role in the final quality of a cup of coffee.