1578 veces visto
  • Direct exporters can now export up to 60 kg of green coffee, 50.4 kg of roasted coffee, 23 kg of soluble coffee or 23 kg of coffee extract.
  • This new procedure simplifies registration and quality control processes, makes payment of the coffee contribution (tax) easier, and ensures direct delivery to end customers or consumers abroad.

Bogotá, April 28, 2016 (FNC Press Office) – In an effort to boost direct coffee sales and increase income of producers, from now on any registered coffee exporter will be able to export Colombian coffee in small quantities via international carriers.

Who can export Colombian coffee?

Any natural or juridical person previously registered as exporter.

How much coffee can be exported?

Complying with the International Coffee Organization (ICO) and Colombia’s Customs Statute, direct exporters can now export up to 60 kg of green coffee, 50.4 kg of roasted coffee, 23 kg of soluble coffee, or 23 kg of coffee extract.

What steps must be followed?

Register on the National Register of Coffee Exporters for free and without the need for intermediaries.

Access the online coffee portal and follow these steps:

  1. Inform about the export sale.
  2. Pay the coffee contribution (tax).
  3. Print confirmation.
  4. Ship coffee (through authorized international carriers).

* The estimated time from step 1 to step 3 is five minutes.

What carriers are authorized?

Authorized international carriers are: DHL, UPS, DEPRISA, FEDEX, Servientrega, TNC and 4-72.

What are the benefits of coffee exports in small quantities?

• Easier registration process.

• Faster quality control.

• Easier payment of the coffee contribution (tax).

• Direct delivery to end customers or consumers abroad.

For further information, visit the FNC web page, call (57+1) 3136600 ext. 1189/1177 or via email at ici.registro@cafedecolombia.com.