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Colombian coffee production falls 16% in August

  • Given the methodology that the FNC has always used to estimate production based on volume exported, domestic consumption, change in inventories and coffee imports, the behavior observed as of August is mainly due to logistical problems in coffee exports – as a result of the public order issues in May and June.
  • By considering historical data, the calculation is still an approximation of the real production registered in the months affected by blockages

Bogotá, September 6, 2021 (FNC Press Office) – Coffee production in Colombia, the world’s largest producer of mild washed Arabica, was 915,000 60-kg bags of green coffee, 16% less than the 1.1 million bags registered in August 2020.

So far this year (January-August), coffee production exceeds 7.8 million bags, down 8% from the over 8.5 million bags produced in the same previous period.

In the last 12 months (September 2020-August 2021), production fell 7% to almost 13.2 million bags from the 14.2 million bags produced a year earlier.

And so far this coffee year (October 2020-August 2021), production registered almost 12.2 million bags, 7% less compared to the 13.1 million bags of the same previous period.

The behavior observed in production is mainly due to logistical problems for exporting coffee, as a result of the public order issues in May and June.

Blockades on the roads and ports did not allow coffee to be shipped, especially in Buenaventura, with the consequent damming, which until now is coming back to normal.

Year-to-date coffee exports grow 1%

As to coffee exports, they continued to recover the ground lost because of the pandemic and the blockades and grew 1% so far this year (January-August) to almost 8.1 million 60-kg bags of green coffee from the 8 million exported a year earlier.

In August, coffee exports remained practically unchanged at 1.1 million bags compared to August 2020.

In the current coffee year (October 2020-August 2021) they fell 1% to 11.7 million bags from the almost 11.8 million sold abroad in the same previous period.

And in the last 12 months (September 2020-August 2021), coffee exports were 12.6 million 60-kg bags, 1% less compared to the almost 12.8 million bags exported a year earlier.