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In the last 12 months, production reached 14.5 million 60kg bags, 6% up from the 13.7 million bags produced in the same previous period.
And so far this coffee year (October 2019-January 2020), production reached 5.6 million bags, 13% more than in the same previous period.
In the last 12 months, coffee exports increased 6% to exceed 13.6 million 60kg bags compared to the nearly 12.9 million bags exported in the same period previous.
In January, Colombian coffee exports fell 6% to 1.1 million 60kg bags over the nearly 1.2 million bags sold abroad in the same month of 2019.
And so far this coffee year, sales abroad rose 3% to almost 4.9 million bags from 4.7 million in the same previous period.