In last 12 months, production reaches 14.2 million bags
- When other sectors of the Colombian economy begin to reopen, good trends consolidate to reach the estimated 14 million bags in the calendar year.
Bogotá, September 4, 2020 (FNC Press Office) – In August, registered coffee production in Colombia, the world’s largest producer of mild washed Arabica, reached one million 91,000 bags, down 3% from the one million 119,000 bags produced in August 2019.
When other sectors of the Colombian economy begin to reopen, good trends consolidate to reach the estimated 14 million bags in the year. In the last 12 months, production reached 14.2 million bags, up 3% from the 13.8 million bags produced a year earlier.
So far this year, production is close to 8.6 million bags, down 6% from the slightly more than 9.1 million bags produced between January and August 2019. And so far this coffee year (October 2019-August 2020), production exceeds 13.1 million bags, up 3% from almost 12.8 million bags produced in the same previous period.
Exports fall 8% in August
With over 1.1 million 60-kg bags, Colombian coffee exports in August fell 8% from the 1.2 million bags exported in the same month of 2019.
Still slightly resenting logistic restrictions due to the pandemic, YTD exports reached 8 million 60-kg bags, 10% less from the 8.9 million bags exported in January-August 2019.
In the last 12 months, coffee exports are close to 12.8 million 60-kg bags, down 6% from the almost 13.6 million bags exported a year earlier.
And so far this coffee year, exports exceeded 11.7 million bags, 6% less than the almost 12.5 million bags exported in the same previous period.