333 veces visto
Compared to the same month of 2021
  • So far this year, coffee exports fell 4% to almost 7.8 million 60-kg bags from almost 8.1 million bags a year earlier.
Bogotá, September 5, 2022 (FNC Press Office) – In August, the registered coffee production in Colombia, the world’s largest producer of washed mild Arabica, grew 4% to 949,000 60-kg bags of green coffee from the 915,000 bags produced in the same month of 2021.
So far this year (January-August), production exceeded 7.3 million bags, down 7% from the over 7.8 million bags produced in the same previous period.
In the last 12 months (September 2021-August 2022), production was close to 12.1 million bags, down 9% from the almost 13.2 million bags produced in the same previous period.
And in the coffee year (October 2021-August 2022), production fell 11% to just over 10.8 million bags from almost 12.2 million a year earlier.

YTD coffee exports fall 4%
YTD coffee exports fell 4% to almost 7.8 million 60-kg bags of green coffee from almost 8.1 million bags a year earlier.
In the last 12 months, coffee exports also fell 4% to 12.1 million bags from the 12.6 million bags sent abroad in the same previous period.
In the coffee year, exports were close to 11.1 million 60-kg bags, down 6% from the 11.7 million bags exported in the same previous period.
And in August, exports fell 23% to 872,000 60-kg bags versus the more than 1.1 million exported in August 2021.