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Despite the pandemic and within the forecasts of the FNC

  • Thanks to implementation of the biosafety protocols developed by the FNC and quick reaction of the coffee growers, it was possible to collect all the coffee crop in 2020 without major issues.
  • With 1.7 million bags, coffee production grew 4% in December, a monthly volume not recorded in 24 years.

Bogotá, January 7, 2021 (FNC Press Office)-Colombia, the world’s largest producer of mild washed arabica coffee, produced 13.9 million 60-kg bags of green coffee in 2020, down 6% from over 14.7 million bags in 2019 and a figure that is within the forecasts of the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC).

In December, coffee production grew 4% to over 1.7 million bags of green coffee from almost 1.7 million bags in 2019, a monthly production volume not recorded in 24 years (January 1996).

So far this coffee year (October-December 2020), production fell 5% to 4.3 million bags from over 4.5 million bags produced in the same previous period.

“Coffee is and will continue to be the hope of Colombia; coffee growers did their duty to the country, and this is confirmed by the production volume and value of around 9 billion pesos, resources that directly move the economy of over 600 coffee municipalities,” said Roberto Vélez, the FNC CEO.

Exports fall 8% in 2020

In 2020, Colombian coffee exports fell 8% to 12.5 million 60-kg bags of green coffee from the 13.7 million bags exported in 2019.

In December, coffee exports fell 6% to 1.3 million bags from almost 1.4 bags sold abroad in the same month of 2019.

And so far this coffee year (October-December 2020) exports decreased 3% to 3.6 million bags from the 3.8 million exported in the same period of 2019.