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After a thorough recertification audit of its Integrated Management System (SGI), the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (Icontec) renewed, for three additional years, the ISO 9001 quality management and ISO 14001 environmental management certificates of the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC).

For an integrated, transparent management on behalf of coffee farmers, since 2009 the FNC has had its management system audited and obtained the ISO 9001 certification for the Rural Extension Service.

In 2011, it also obtained the ISO 14001 environmental certification for the National Coffee Research Center (Cenicafé), and in 2012, the ISO 9001 quality management for its green coffee marketing processes.

In 2014, a national audit involveed over 2,000 employees, 16 processes and 27 offices for verifying not only compliance with quality requirements, but with over 90 legal environmental requirements.

Regarding quality management, the auditor recognized commitment of all the FNC employees to customers, as well as contribution of the FNC’s mission processes to the country’s social, economic and environmental development.

Environmental management at Cenicafé was also recognized, as the FNC is one of the 300 companies in Colombia certified under the ISO 14001 standard.

Other highlights in the audit report include:

  • Lower administrative costs (public services) through efficient energy use and solid and hazardous waste management.
  • Very good management of chemicals used in institutional research.

By complying with these international standards in these six years, the FNC has strengthened its organizational culture for focusing on customers, continuous improvement and fulfillment of indicators and goals, as well as teamwork.