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Production declines because of rains

Bogotá, June 23, 2023 (FNC Press Office) – At the end of May, Colombians have not only maintained domestic coffee consumption, but compared to the previous year it grew by the equivalent of 8,000 bags of 60 kg of green coffee, from 163,000 bags in May 2022 to 171,000 bags despite inflation.

News about exports by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation on behalf of the National Coffee Fund (FoNC) is also encouraging, as the institution increased exports from 152,000 bags (for the same date of the previous year) to 185,000 bags, up 22%, according to figures from the FNC Economic Research Directorate.

On a national scale, total exports in May reached 846,000 bags and in the last 12 months they exceeded 10.7 million bags.

The behavior of the 12-month values for the climatic variables that affect coffee production has not been favorable for the flowering and fruit filling processes in the country’s coffee regions.

In addition to dispersed blooms due to excess rainfall, there was constant cloudiness in the territory, which reduced the amount of sunlight and affected the synthesis of nutrients in the coffee plant.

The average daily temperature in the coffee production areas also decreased, increasing the number of days required to complete the fruit formation and ripening processes, leading to harvest delays and lower volumes.