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Thanks to the FNC’s permanent and effective management with the financial sector
  • The medium-term debt was contracted with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) for USD 40 million over three years.
  • In line with the principles of social loans, the resources will be used for financing the purchase guarantee, technical assistance to producers, scientific research and technological development, investments that in turn contribute to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Bogotá, April 7, 2022 (FNC Press Office) – The National Coffee Fund (FoNC), which finances public goods and services for coffee growers, is firmly entering the field of sustainable financing.
Thanks to the efforts and commitment of the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) as its administrator, the FoNC contracted medium-term debt with the renowned Japanese bank Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) for USD 40 million over three years.
This operation is classified as sustainable financing according to the principles of social loans of the Loan Market Association, Asia Pacific Loan Market Association and Loan Syndications & Trading Association, specialized in the syndicated loan industry.
Given the relevance that sustainable financing has gained in global trends as a way to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this operation also contributes to the history and recognition of the FoNC as a responsible debt contracting party.
With this operation, the FNC confirms its effective strategy for relating to the international financial markets.
“We are proud to advance in our relationship with the Japanese financial market, not only because of its global renown, but also because it is an ideal complement to the achievements made in the last 60 years of positioning Colombian coffee in Japan,” the FNC CEO, Roberto Vélez, said.

The FNC CEO, Roberto Vélez (right), and Akihiro Fukutome, co-Director of the Global Banking Unit of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC).