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For the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC), the health and well-being of coffee farmers in Colombia, employees, customers, partners, allies, suppliers and the community in general are a priority, especially in the current health situation of spread of the new coronavirus causing COVID-19.

As part of the national campaign “Everybody’s health is everybody’s business,”  led by the institution itself (inviting the rest of the country to join), the FNC has adopted the necessary measures to preserve everybody’s health and well-being at all levels, including its headquarters in Bogotá, departmental and municipal coffee grower committees, Almacafé, Cenicafé, the freeze-dried coffee factory Buencafé Liofilizado de Colombia, Procafecol (Juan Valdez stores), the Coffee Park, the Manuel Mejía Foundation, and other branches.

Within their field of action, each of these FNC branches and companies has been adopting the pertinent measures to address the current health situation in the best way.

On a national scale, from March 18 on and until further notice, employees at the headquarters, in Bogota, will be working remotely from home.

At departmental and municipal levels, we’ll be making similar announcements on the measures adopted, whose details are being finalized. In-person work will be kept only for staff that is essential to ensure provision of services to coffee growers, including the purchase guarantee, and the coffee sector in general.

Supported by our own technology platforms, we seek to ensure that the service to coffee growers, customers, partners, allies and suppliers is not interrupted. Our work team will remain available, through their email addresses, cell phones and virtual meetings, to provide the best possible service in these circumstances.

We know that this is a temporary situation and we appreciate your understanding. If we take care of each other with commitment and responsibility, this health situation will end soon, and together we can help to achieve it.

In case of any questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Bogotá, March 17, 2020.