Domestic Reference Price:$3.040.000Fecha: 2025-03-28 Domestic reference price for the purchase of dry parchment coffee per load of 125 Kg. This price varies according to distance from the point of purchase to the farm. Coffee grower cooperatives cover, at this price, all costs related to the coffee collection service to producers. For more information about the price.
Low-grade coffee price:$37.500Fecha: 2025-03-28 Reference price for purchase of low-grade coffee (“pasilla”) per point of production in an arroba. For more information about the price, click here.
NYKC: ¢/lb:379,95Fecha: 2025-03-28 This value is represented in US dollar cents per pound. For more information about the price.
Exchange rate:$4.200Fecha: 2025-03-28 For more information about the price
MeCIC:$0Fecha: 2024-07-12 This is the value of the compensation per load of coffee and its compensation will vary according to the Sisben category to which the coffee grower belongs. Keep in mind that the value cannot be greater than the following:
Sisben A: $86.500 per charge
Sisben B: $86.000 per charge
Sisben C: $84.100 per charge Clic here for more info.
We protect the origin and quality of Colombian Coffee.
To ensure continuous coffee supply to international markets and based on provisions of Decree 1714 of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and Regulatory Resolution No. 05 of 2015 of the National Committee of Coffee Growers, natural persons or legal entities that want to export green or processed coffee shall register as coffee exporters in the National Register of Coffee Exporters administered by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation.
Please take into account that, in addition to submitting the form, the applicant natural person or legal entity must attach:
Certificate of Existence and Legal Representation of the legal entity or Commercial Register Certificate of the natural person issued by the corresponding Chamber of Commerce at most thirty (30) calendar days before the application filing date.
Photocopy of Unique Tax Register (RUT).
Photocopy of the ID of the natural person or, for legal entities, of the company’s legal representative.
For the references listed on the form, original document from one (1) bank, issued at most thirty (30) calendar days before the application filing date, describing the financial and commercial behavior of the applicant as to the commitments made to it;
If it is the case, original power of attorney that the applicant has granted for the application subscription and filing, along with the copy of the representative’s ID.
In compliance with current regulations, the FNC developed an application that allows exporters to make the export coffee sale announcement and pay the coffee contribution.
Remember that the username and password is assigned by the FNC only to registered exporters.