Almacafé’s poster presentation is selected for important conference in Dijon, France

Almacafé’s poster presentation is selected for important conference in Dijon, France

The Organizing Committee of the 7th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, to be held from September 11 to 14, selected a paper on sensory analysis by Almacafé to be presented at the venue of this important forum. Research wo…

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Coffee growers are made aware of importance of Integrated Pest Management

Coffee growers are made aware of importance of Integrated Pest Management

“Technically, CBB is a cryptic pest, i.e., hidden in the coffee bean. Only a fraction of it flies, roughly 20%. When we talk about full presence of CBB in a coffee plantation, we refer to eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults; 80% of all biologic…

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Carolina Castañeda, new Director of FNC B.V. in Europe

Carolina Castañeda, new Director of FNC B.V. in Europe

Carolina Castañeda has a B.Sc. in Physics, a B.A. in Economics, a minor in Mathematics, a minor in Finance, and a master’s degree in Economics at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá. In 2012 she received a master’s degree in Finance Math…

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Quality standards for ‘Excelso’ Colombian coffee are modified

Quality standards for ‘Excelso’ Colombian coffee are modified

Exporters will now be able to export Excelso coffee with a tolerance of up to 5% of healthy almonds going through a 14/64″ screen and retained by a 12/64″ screen. Bogotá, May 5, 2016 (FNC Press Office) – Quality standards for Ex…

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‘Markets appreciate transparency and accuracy of Colombian coffee statistics’

‘Markets appreciate transparency and accuracy of Colombian coffee statistics’

Having an institution such as the FNC contributes to consolidating figures, which help coffee producers compare their own productivity, notes Rodrigo Costa, Director of Commodities at Société Générale, headquartered in New York City. Financ…

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Colombian coffee can now be directly exported in small quantities

Colombian coffee can now be directly exported in small quantities

Direct exporters can now export up to 60 kg of green coffee, 50.4 kg of roasted coffee, 23 kg of soluble coffee or 23 kg of coffee extract.This new procedure simplifies registration and quality control processes, makes payment of the coffee…

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Mitsubishi Corporation donates USD 100,000 to Forester Families Program

Mitsubishi Corporation donates USD 100,000 to Forester Families Program

Launched in 2008, the program is a joint initiative by the FNC, the Colombian Government, local authorities, and other actors including Mitsubishi.  Bogotá, March 18, 2016 (FNC Press Office) – At a meeting with Roberto Vélez, CEO of th…

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FNC CEO advocates for higher prices at 4th World Coffee Conference

FNC CEO advocates for higher prices at 4th World Coffee Conference

For sustainability of the global coffee industry “How can we expect to have a future generation of coffee growers if the current one can hardly make a living?  It’s impossible. And without coffee growers and coffee, there will be no gl…

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African coffee grower organizations support FNC’s leading role to improve and stabilize income

African coffee grower organizations support FNC’s leading role to improve and stabilize income

Under the frame of the 116th Session of the International Coffee Council Roberto Vélez, the FNC CEO, has been advocating for global strategies that increase profitability of producers and ensure the industry’s sustainability. Addis Ababa, E…

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